Entropion is a condition where the eyelid rolls in towards the eye. This usually occurs with age but can also be a result of trauma or previous surgery.
An eyelid which turns in causes the lashes and lid to rub against the eye making it red, irritated and sore.
If this is left untreated this can lead to symptoms of scratching and scarring of the cornea. Treatment options include ocular lubricants and surgery.
Ectropian is a condition where the bottom eyelid turns outward away from the eyeball. This usually occurs with age and is due to weakening of the tissue of the lower eyelid. An eyelid which turns out may cause the following symptoms; dry, painful, watery and red eye/eyelids.
If this condition is untreated ectropian can lead to corneal scratching/ulcers and infection. Treatment options include ocular lubricants and surgery.
Bleharoplasty is a surgical procedure performed on the eyelids and the skin surrounding it. Typically with age the skin around our eyes and lids loses its elasticity and tone and can consequently result in sagging, bulging and puffy eye lids.
Not only are droopy eyelids uncosmetc but in some cases lead to an obstruction in your field of vision. Blepharoplasty aims to restore a more youthful appearance to the eyes as well as help restore any obstruction in your field of vision caused by a droopy eyelid/skin.
A ptosis is a droopy eyelid. Not only does this provide a cosmetic issue in eyelid asymmetry but can also cause a partial or quite marked reduction in the field of vision.
Commonly this occurs with age as our eye muscles lose their elasticity. Other causes can include congenital, trauma and